Tips For Choosing The Right Used Injection Molding Machines To Buy


Used Injection Molding Machines

Buying used plastic injection molding machines can be a good alternative to buying brand new injection molders if you are on tight budget. Provided you get a used injection molding machine that is in good shape, it can serve you just as good as a new one. The following are some tips to help you make the right choice.

In order to choose the right injection molding machine, one of the things you should do is choose correct series by plastics and finished products. There are so many series or types of plastic injection machines. Before you make your choice, you need to know which series or which type of plastic machines are suitable for you.

For instance, material or products have different property, such as thermosetting or thermoplastic, single color, interlayer or color mixing double colors or multi-colors, and so on. Some products require higher production conditions, such as high accuracy, close loop, ultra-high injection speed, high injection pressure, quick production, and so on. When you take time to analyze plastics and finished products, you will have an easy time deciding the series of plastic injection machines.

Another thing you should do when looking for the right used injection molding machines to buy is choose big enough clamping force of machines according to your mold. You need to know the required tie-bar distance, minimum mold sizes, mold thickness, platen size, and so on as per mold sizes. It is crucial for the height and width of molds to be smaller or at least one-side smaller than tie-bar distance. It will be better if the height and width of molds are among the sizes of platen.

For more tips on how to choose the right used injection molding machines to buy, visit our website at


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